Guitar Scale Modes

Scale modes are played by starting the Major Scale on a different note than the root.

Example: the A Dorian Mode is played by starting on the second note of the G Major Scale.

Notes used in the G Major Scale

G A B C D E F♯ G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Using the notes of the G Major Scale, and starting on the A note, or the second note, the dorian mode is formed, in this case A Dorian (A, B, C, D, E, F#, G).

G Major Scale
A Dorian

The Scale Modes

Ionian Mode - same as the Major Scale, starting on the first (root) note .

Dorian Mode - starting on the second note.

Phrygian Mode - starting on the third note.

Lydian Mode - starting on the fourth note.

Mixolydian Mode - starting on the fifth note.

Aeolian Mode - starting on the sixth note.

Locrian Mode - starting on the seventh note.