Open Chords for Guitar

Open chords have at least one string on the guitar played without being fretted.

The term "open position" refers to the first few frets on the neck of the guitar where open chords are able to be played. The guitar chord diagrams below are basic major and minor open chord forms.

Major Open Chords

The strings that are played open are shown with a "O" at the top of the guitar chord diagram. An "X" in the chord diagram shows which strings are not played or muted.

Open C Major Guitar Chord
Open C Major

Open D Major Guitar Chord
Open D Major

Open E Major Guitar Chord
Open E Major

Open G Major Guitar Chord
Open G Major

Open A Major Guitar Chord
Open A Major

Minor Open Chords

Minor Open chords for guitar in standard tuning. Minor Chords are often identified with their root note next to a lower case "m".

Open C Minor Guitar Chord
Open C Minor (Cm)

Open D Minor Guitar Chord
Open D Minor (Dm)

Open E Minor Guitar Chord
Open E Minor (Em)

Open A Minor Guitar Chord
Open A Minor (Am)